How do I Send a Product Design to a Client? (Without the Send Product App)
How do I allow a specific number of free High-Resolution downloads?
How do I Send a Discount to a Specific Person?
How do I Select a Design Template in my Marketing Automation App?
What does it Mean When an App is Inactive?
How do Marketing Automation Apps Report Order Conversions?
How do I Assign a Marketing Automation App to My Galleries?
How do I Preview Marketing Automation Banners in the Gallery?
How do I Extend an Expired Coupon?
Which Dynamic Text Tokens are Available?
What are the different discounts that can be offered via a coupon?
How do I Bring Galleries Back Online for a Store Sale?
What happens if My Client has Multiple Galleries and I Assign an App to Both Galleries?
What Marketing Automation Banners Are Available to Me?
How do I Add My Own Banners to the Gallery and Shop?
How do I Make Changes to an Assigned App?
How does Discount Stacking Work?
Why is my client's coupon not working? Common Reasons why Discount Codes Don't Work
How do I email all my clients at once?
How do I set up different types of store sales?