Pic-Time’s Lightroom Plug-in allows you to sync Client Selections and Favorites lists to make organizing, viewing, and editing easier.
In addition, you can use the Photos Filters to filter your star-rated or color-labeled images when selecting photos for Slideshows and Blogs, automatically marking your Favorites List or highlighted images in the gallery, and more.
Please Note: The Sync feature is only available on paid plans.
Sync Lightroom Selections and Favorites
1. To begin, in Pic-Time go to Settings, then Preferences, and checkmark the box LR Sync and Favorites.
2. In Lightroom, select the gallery you are working with and right-click on the Gallery name. Select Edit Gallery.
3. Click the Sync Project button to sync the Selections and Favorites that exist in the gallery to Lightroom.
Any Selections and Favorites lists that exist in the gallery will now be shown under the Selections folder.
Please Note: The Sync Project button will also synchronize your gallery's structure in Lightroom with how it appears on Pic-Time, as well as the Highlights scene, Selections, and Favorites if any exist. Any photos uploaded/removed will not be synced.
4. You can edit the photos directly from the Selections folder, and when ready to publish (upload), click the Publish button for the changes to reflect on Pic-Time. The photos will be updated in both selections and corresponding scenes in the Lightroom library.
Selections and Favorites lists cannot be created from Lightroom, however, as explained above, you can click the Sync Project button and photos selected by the client or any favorite lists will be shown under the Selections and Favorites folders.
Please Note: If you upload one photo to two scenes via the Plug-In, it will be treated as 1 image in the Plug-In, and 2 images in Pic-Time. This may result in a discrepancy between the listed number of images.