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Lightroom Plug-in Retouching Workflow
Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over 11 months ago

If you have your clients choose specific photos through the Client Selection tool, you can easily sync it with Lightroom to edit or retouch the files in order, and seamlessly update them in the gallery.

In addition, you can use Lightroom Filters to quickly create Blogs, Slideshows, favorites lists, products, photos to send, and other workflows. Learn more here.

Lightroom Plug-in Retouching Workflow

1. After creating the gallery in Lightroom, right-click on the gallery and select Show in Pic-Time to invite the client to the gallery and begin the Selection Request.

Optional Invite Client to the Gallery with the Selection Request email

You may want to invite your client to the gallery through the Selection Request email, rather than through the general client invite email in the Share tab.

2. To do this, in the gallery Share tab in Pic-Time, make sure the gallery is Online and type in the client's name and email address. This will connect their email address to the gallery. However, DO NOT send to the client.

Send Selection Request

3. Go to the Workflow tab, and click + to add a Client Selection Request as normal. Follow the steps here if this is your first time sending a Selection Request.

4. This Selection Request email will now be the first email your client receives inviting them to the gallery, so you may want to give them instructions on how to create their account and begin making their selections.

Sync Gallery in Lightroom

5. After the client completes their Selection request, in Lightroom, right-click on the gallery in the Pic-Time Publish Service and select Edit Gallery...

6. Then click Sync Project.

7. This will create a new Selections folder within the gallery with the client-selected photos. Then simply edit the selections (you can even edit the image in Photoshop by right-clicking on the image and selecting Edit In > but keep in mind this will create a new image file).

After retouching the images, click Publish to republish any edits.

8. After going back to the gallery in Pic-Time, notify the client of the updated images by now going through the Share tab and clicking Send to Client to send them another email.

In addition or alternatively, you may want to move the selections into their own scene, update the gallery download settings to allow free downloads of the selection, or invite/send the updated photos through the Workflow > Send/Download Photos section instead.

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