How do I Include the Colorado Retail Delivery Fee?
Order Refund Policy
How do I Hide the Expected Delivery Date?
How do I Set Up Shipping Rates to be Covered by Me?
How do I Block Users from Uploading Their Own Photos in the Store?
How do I Set the Album Designer Default Page Amount?
How do I Add a Hold Period Before an Order is Sent to Production? (Hold Orders)
What Happens to My Store Prices when My Print Lab Changes its Cost Price?
How do I Display the Price to Include Tax?
How do I Set Up Photographer Collected Payments?
How do I Set Up Pic-Time Collected Payments?
How do I Enable Afterpay and PayPal Pay Later?
How do I Collect iDEAL Payments from My Clients? (Netherlands merchants only)
1099 Tax Forms for 2023/2024
How do I Connect my Square Account to Accept Payments?
How do I collect Bancontact payments from my clients? (Belgium merchants only)
How do I Add an Estimated Tax Displayed in the Store Editor?
How do I Set Fixed Pricing in My Currency with International Labs?
How is Sales Tax Handled in the Store?
How do I Delete a Price List?
Why didn't I receive my payout yet?
Where do I find my invoice for order production costs?
How do I fix the "Pending Payment" error?
Orders Invoiced Directly by Your Lab (GTA Imaging users only)