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How do I Find Product Details and Information?
How do I Find Product Details and Information?
Olivia Noel avatar
Written by Olivia Noel
Updated over a week ago

You may need to review product details (e.g., production, product specs, color options, shipping destinations, etc.) to select the recommended printer based on where/how/what you print for clients. We strive for the best print experience for your client and we have picked print labs that we feel have the same goals as us. This article will guide you through how to locate product details for each product from each of our lab partners.

Find Product Details

1. To begin, click Settings from your Main Dashboard.

2. The Store Pricing tab will direct you to your Price Lists and store items. Select Edit Price on the item you wish to view the product details for.

Pro Tip: For more information on how Pic-Time names its products, check out our article here.

3. Click on Product Info.

4. From here, you can show Labs Shipping To by selecting a country from the drop-down.

5. Once a location is determined, to view product details, select any lab to see the Information visible to clients and Information for photographers. This information includes Production, Product specs, Currency, Color Options, Shipping destinations, etc.

6. Once a desired lab is selected, click Set To All Items.

7. The lab that you’ve chosen will only update the specific product spec you are viewing (i.e., the Leather Fine Art Albums). If you wish to change any other product spec, choose from the item’s tabs.

8. Alternatively, if you wish to create a new price list to quickly select your preferred labs, read our support article here.

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