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How do I Create and Use the Single-Use Coupon App? (Art Galleries)
How do I Create and Use the Single-Use Coupon App? (Art Galleries)
Maryanne avatar
Written by Maryanne
Updated over 11 months ago

Create a quick, single discount for a one time personal offer or customer compensation with the Single-Use Coupon (Art) App! This very customizable app can be used for percentage off, free product, free shipping, set monetary amount, or product-at-cost-price coupons.

Pro Tip: If you are interested in running a general sale, check out the General Coupon (Art) App here.

If you are interested in giving a similar coupon to your Client Gallery clients, check out the Single Use Discount App here.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through setting up the Single-Use Coupon (Art) App.

Setup App

1. To get started, click Sales & Automation from the Main Dashboard.


2. Under the Campaigns section, click on the Art Galleries tab and click the + plus icon to add a new app.

3. Select the Single-Use Coupon (Art) from the list of available apps.

4. Click to install the app to your Marketing Dashboard.


5. Name your app and click Add Automation App.


6. First, let’s set up the discount. If you are giving a store credit ($ Off coupon) you can enable the credit amount to be shared among all the recipients, or give each recipient the full discount amount (ie everyone shares a $20 off coupon, or each user receives their own $20 to spend).

7. Checkmark for the credit to be collective, or individual. Click Apply.

8. Customize your coupon by adjusting the discount.

9. Here you can modify the discount, description, code, whether you want to apply free shipping, whether you want to have a minimum order amount for this coupon, if you want to allow discount stacking or if you want to limit the coupon to specific products. For more information on what discounts you can offer, click here. Click Apply when you are ready to save your changes.


10. Modify the duration of your coupon. This will be the time period during which the coupon can be used by your clients.

11. Select the number of months and/or days you would like to run the campaign for. You can adjust for the campaign to end at 11:59 pm. Click Apply when you are ready to save your changes.

12. After you have modified your app, you can leave an internal note to yourself and click Save to save the app.

Assigning the App to Art Galleries

After you have created your app, you can assign it to your art galleries!

1. To assign the app from the Art Gallery Section, first click Art Galleries from your main photographer dashboard.

2. Go to the Automations tab and click + More Automations.

3. Select your Single-Use Coupon (Art) app from the list of available apps.


4. This will open the Assignment Setup page, where we can edit and specify details of the app.

App Assignment Setup

For the Single-Use Coupon (Art) App, you can edit all the details of the app within the assignment setup page.

1. First, select which Art Galleries you would like the campaign to run for.

2. Checkmark the specific galleries you would like the discount to be valid for, and then click Apply.

3. If you want, you can edit the discount and campaign duration again.

4. Then set the Automation-App Start, if you would like to delay when the campaign will begin.

5. Adjust the start time to a specific date, or begin immediately. Click Apply when you’re ready to save your changes.

6. Finally, click Apply, and the app is now active for your Art Galleries. Only clients that are notified manually by you will be able to use the discount, so be sure to let them know that their discount is now active.

Quick Add

To quickly add this discount to your specific art galleries, you can also access the Single-Use Coupon (Art) from the Art Gallery’s Dashboard tab.

1. To access, first go to Art Galleries from your main photographer dashboard.

2. Then hover over your specific gallery and click on the pencil icon.

3. Then select the Dashboard tab, and click the Support Your Client option.

4. Select the Simple Discount / Compensation Coupon option.

5. Here, you can add a $ off discount to give your customer a print credit, add how long the coupon will be active for, the description of the coupon when the customer adds it to their cart, and the coupon code.

6. Alternatively, you can click on See full app options to open the full assignment setup page.

7. Finally, click Create Coupon and the code is now active for your customer to use.

Since this app doesn’t contain any emails, simply tell the customer manually what the coupon code is, and they can use it in their shopping cart.

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