Add extra security to your photographer account by setting up two-factor authentication for logging into Pic-Time.
Please Note: If you use a VPN, you will receive the two-factor authentication regardless of your settings for added security.
Set Up Two-Factor Authentication
1. To get started, go to Settings from your Main Dashboard.
2. Under the Profile tab, click Security.
3. Checkmark to Enable Two-Factor Authentication.
4. Select your preferred verification method. Verify via SMS text message, WhatsApp, or through your Pic-Time account email address.
5. Then type in your phone number. Please note: Make sure you are using the full international format, including a plus sign (+) followed by the country code, city code, and local phone number with no dashes or spaces. Example: +11231234567
Click Apply.
6. You will then receive a message in order to verify your identity. If you have trouble connecting, check that you typed in your phone number correctly.
7. After your phone number, WhatsApp, or email has been verified, click OK, Got It.
8. Leave the Automatic unauthorized access detection option checkmarked for added security, and click Apply.
Now when you log into your photographer account, you can verify your login via your preferred method.